Thursday, November 27, 2008

Multiple C Class IP Hosting: An introduction

The most powerful tool for SEO currently is Multiple C Class IP hosting.
It isn't an entirely new strategy, it is just plain and simple old school backlink building with a twist.
Hosting on multiple C Class IPs just helps getting high quality backlinks with high link popularity to give your website a boost on the SERPs.
Over the next few weeks, I'll discuss the details in depth giving you all the little strategies you can blend with Multiple C Class IP hosting commonly known as seo hosting, to get optimum results.
For now, I'll just explain to you why we require Multiple C Class hosting also called SEO hosting if we're planning to play big with SEO.

Firstly, you need to understand that there are a lot of spammers on the internet and search engines try their best to combat spam with the help of highly complicated search engine filters. These Search Engine filters basically just detect spammy websites and black list them preventing them from being indexed and hence causing them heavy loss in terms of search engine traffic.

One technique webmasters use is creating multiple websites on their own and placing backlinks on these websites to their primary website. Search engine filters have methods to track down such spammers and automatically ban them. Hence Multiple C Class IP hosting comes in handy.
I will explain in detail what Multiple C Class IP Hosting actually is and how it works over the next few weeks. It is quite a simple thing to understand and is an extremely powerful tool so I wouldn't want you guys screwing it up with partial knowledge. I will be going in extreme detail about each and every portion of Multiple C Class IP Hosting when I make my next few posts.
Till then, you can just check out our recommended Multiple C Class IP hosting provider:
Page1hosting is one of the very few authentic SEO Hosting providers. I will explain the reasons behind this while giving you all the details about SEO hosting (hosting on different c class ips).

In my next post, I will discuss with you:

What Multiple C Class IPs are
How Search Engine filters track down spammers who create multiple websites for backlink building
How link popularity affects SEO
How Multiple C Class IP hosting affects link popularity

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff, I published a post on my blog regarding your post on Multiple C Class IP hosting.
I must say, I'm really thankful to you for getting a load of my shoulders. I'm waiting eagerly for you to post more on this topic, so don't keep us waiting long...